Monday, April 5, 2010

Finally! TOG!!

I cheated on my kayak and went out in my buddy's boat this past Saturday to fish for some Tog! When we launched out of back creek we saw literally thousands of bloodworms swimming all around the pier and dead ones on the ramp. It was insanely foggy so we had to putt along for a couple hours before heading out to the 2nd island of the CBBT. There were millions of boats on every piling it seemed but we managed to get on one and start fishing. I caught the first one of the day on cut blue crab which happened to be my first one ever. It was about 18" and fought really well. Over the next 2 hours i caught three 15"-18" Tog and one oyster toad. My friend Chris Fox caught 3 tog about the same size. After those few fish the bite turned off and we didn't catch anything else. On the way back we circled around the island a bit and saw some seals sunning on the rocks. That's a mouth full. SAW SOME SEALS SUNNING. Say that 1000 times fast. We waved to the seals they waved back then we took off home. Good Times!

1 comment:

  1. the seals are sooo cool!!!! yes!!!! seals on rocks are awesome!!! (fish are alright...; )
