Thursday, March 24, 2011

Weak weeks

The last couple of weeks have been full of work, work, and not much fishing. I managed to make it out to the HRBT 2-3 times but it was WINDY! Only one night was really productive with about 20 striper up to 25". One day at the HRBT was an early search for tautog with Rob Choi and Kayak Kevin . It was a slower than slow and no tog were caught but it was a heck of a learning experience for me. Rob and Kevin are insane fishermen so I can only pray that they keep letting me fish with them. I also got the chance to fish with Ric Burnley 2 times at the HRBT. Ric is a cool dude and knows everything about fishing it seems. It was good times fishing with him and I hope I get the chance to fish with him some more.

Last Sunday I met up with Rob at the 1st island of the CBBT. I called him before I got there and he had caught a few tog already so I was PUMPED! I paddled as fast as I could to him and made it just in time for the bite to shut off...Figures. Rob caught 2-3 tog right after i showed up and aside from 1 on a boat they were the only tog I saw caught for the rest of the day. After getting the tog skunk I hope to shake it off at the HRBT with some light line striper action. Ric was the only one to catch a striper in the snotty wind and murky water all night. I would say that the day was a total bust but fishing with people like Rob and Ric is always a great learning experience. Oh well. It can only get better from that! Check out Robs >Tog report<


  1. Good post! I tend to learn the most on the worst trips. Had to check out the report to learn what a "tog" was. Good stuff...get em next time.

  2. You have some great pictures here. Seems like with the economy my time has been so tied up with my business Ablaze Home Improvement Siding that I haven't had the time for fun lately.
    I just followed you and I just started my new blog and would appreciate you coming by and follow. Maybe we can keep up with what each is doing. Thanks.

  3. Sometimes that's just the way it goes. I'm sure it'll be you who has the luck to get the tog citation before I do. Anyway, we've had good times in the past and I look forward to many more in the future. Here's to a good fishing season! Cheers buddy.

  4. Hey Matt! If you ever get the chance to try for those ugly little fish (Tog) you absolutely have to go for it! They are one of the hardest pulling fish around here.

    Thanks Craig!
