I really wish that this post could be a long exciting report of amazing fishing, but it was a mediocre day of fishing at best. I made it to my favorite spot and immediately hooked my first fish of the year... a 12" largemouth.
Then within 2-3 casts later I hooked a nice crappie that I lost right at the boat.
What happened next was nothing short of amazing!
....................................actually nothing happened after that...at all.
As much as this pains me to say, it really was a nice day on the water.
Typically I avoid saying that at all cost, because it always means the same thing...a bad day of fishing.
Think about it:
(You)- "Hey Bob! How was this fishing?"
(Bob)- "Well we didn't catch much, but it was a nice day on the water!"
Loser talk!
99% of the time it means the goal for the day (catching fish) was a total failure.
All joking aside, I know that we don't go fishing ONLY for the fish. Time on the water is the most relaxing thing we fisherman have. There is no time in my life that I am more comfortable or feel closer to God, except when I am fishing with my wife.
This right here is what its all about!